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Celebrate National Doctor Day | March 30, 2024

National Doctors Day is a day to celebrate the contributions doctors make to their personal lives and communities. Dates vary from country to country, depending on the observances used to mark the day. In some countries, this day is marked as a public holiday.

Honor physicians, including representatives who work at your practice or facility, for their dedication and commitment to providing quality care.

Host a Doctors' Day Appreciation Lunch.

Give the doctor a red carnation in his buttonhole or corsage.

Give the doctor 10 minutes between shifts.

Invite patients to write Happy Doctors Day notes to their doctors.

Add a dedicated National Doctors Day section to your website.

Make a "thank you" video for your doctor to give staff praise and appreciation.

Make sure doctors always know they are valued and supported.

Offer patients, staff and friends the opportunity to donate online to your institution or clinic, or perhaps a favorite charity, in honor of doctors on National Doctors' Day.

Explore Pinterest boards for more inspiration.

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